Dale Chihuly
Je suis impressionnée par cette parfaite harmonie avec la nature...
Photos prises sur son site
a découvrir absolument .... Un créateur vraiment talentueux...
"...A prodigiously prolific artist whose work balances content with an investigation of the material's properties of translucency and transparency, Chihuly began working with glass at a time when reverence for the medium and for technique was paramount. A student of interior design and architecture in the early 1960s, by 1965 he had become captivated by the process of glassblowing. He enrolled in the University of Wisconsin's hot glass program, the first of its kind in the United States, established by Studio Glass movement founder Harvey K. Littleton. While the literature has always attributed Chihuly’s interest in employing teams of glassblowers to a three-week visit to the Venini glass factory in Murano in 1968, it is now believed that his first collaborations date from his days in Madison where he worked with fellow graduate student and second generation Studio Glass artist Fritz Dreisbach. After receiving a degree in sculpture, Chihuly was admitted to the ceramics program at the Rhode Island School of Design, only to establish its renowned glass program, turning out a generation of recognized artists..."
...de superbes choses en effet, avec la qualité de lier finesse du matériau, tranparence et force de certains grands formats.... je file voir, merci isabelle
3 commentaires:
...de superbes choses en effet, avec la qualité de lier finesse du matériau, tranparence et force de certains grands formats....
je file voir, merci
Parfois difficile de démêler le vrai du faux !
Ses "seaforms" sont superbes aussi
Vraiment très beau; certains végétaux ou fleurs se mêlent tout à fait à leur entourage et on à peine à distinguer le vrai du faux...
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