vendredi 25 juin 2010

Patricia van Lubeck

Patricia van Lubeck
In such a short time, Patricia Van Lubeck has quickly become a leading neo-surreal artist. Born in Amsterdam in 1965, Patricia's life has quite recently changed dramatically. She used to be book-keeper until 2000 when she started the 21st century by becoming a fulltime professional artist. She moved to the Bay of Plenty in New Zealand in 2005. Since then her work has taken a new direction. Although her style is often regarded as surreal, her work does not strictly fall in that category. Her paintings are apparently simple in composition but executed amazingly detailed and visually very dynamic. Her paintings have realistic elements, but above all an alienating atmosphere. Her works in recent years show landscapes and weird plant species which she calls her 'psychedelic gardens'. 'I consider my work an exploration of the ways we experience our environment. My inspiration comes from the ordinary world around me. It's the artist in me that puts things in an unusual perspective. Compare it to a baker looking at a corn field. He sees bread, cookies and pies, I see shapes, patterns and colors. I often zoom in on an everyday object and imagine a landscape. I must have been an insect in a previous life!' ..." texte pris sur Fine art america
Photos prises sur ce site Un enchantement........

dimanche 20 juin 2010

Erico Santos

Erico Santos
"...Erico Santos nasceu em Cacequi, Brasil, em 1952. Atua no mercado de arte desde 1976, com estúdios em Porto Alegre e em São Paulo. Realizou mais de 20 exposições individuais e mais de 200 exposições coletivas no Brasil, México, Estados Unidos, Espanha, França, Inglaterra e Itália, onde obteve diversos prêmios e comendas. Foi homenageado com Sala Especial no 11º Salão Paranaense da Paisagem, na 1ª Bienal de Arte de Montenegro, no Brasil e artista convidado para a 1ª Bienal Internacional de Arte de Chapingo, no México. Verbete em dicionários de arte e catálogos do Brasil, Portugal e Espanha..."
texte pris sur le site de Vitrine da Arte
Son site que J'adore...... Charme, poésie, et sensualité m'enchantent.....

jeudi 10 juin 2010

Keith Newstead Automata

Site vraiment très sympa à découvrir
humour, charme et poésie sont au rendez vous!!! Absolument génial............ Un grand merci pour ce partage à Chats et essai un blog que j'adore...............