Michael Cheval voir son
site "... His decision to immigrate in 1997 to USA began a new epoch for the artist. He returned to the Western culture that greatly inspired him in his youth, but now he brought his own experience, his philosophy and vision. In 1998, he became a member of the prestigious New York’s National Arts Club, where in 2000 he was distinguished with the Exhibition Committee Award at the annual club exhibition. Since 1998, Michael regularly exhibits in various New York galleries. He is a member of Society for Art of Imagination (London, UK) since 2002, and participates in annual European exhibitions held by the Association. In 2003, Michael was accepted as a participant in the famous “Brave Destiny” exhibition, held in Williamsburg Art and Historical Center in Brooklyn. Among other participants were such celebrated artists as H. R. Giger and Ernst Fuchs. Since 2001, Michael exhibits at the International Show, Art Expo, which is held annually in Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York. In 2006, Michael’s works were accepted by “Feast of Imagination” exposition at H.R. Giger Museum Gallery, Switzerland. Michael’s first monograph album “Lullabies” was published in collaboration with Interart Gallery in 2003. In 2007, he published his second album, “Nature Of Absurdity”, that defines his unique style and vision. Absurdity is a starting point of his creations. Michael identifies his art with Becket’s and Ionesco’s Theater of the Absurd and Greenaway’s and Bunuel’s films..."
Peintre que j'ai découvert sur le blog de zoe Un lieu magique où j'aime flâner....
tres beau voyage au royaume des rêves...j'aime beaucoup
RépondreSupprimerNo he podido seguiros estas fiestas por diversos problemas entre ellos el ordenador,me he puesto al día y como siempre todo un placer.Saludos